


Strana slepyh. Rasskazy/The country of the blind. Stories

Hörbuchdownload, Gelesen von Stanislav Fedosov/Beverly Nickles

Erschienen am 04.03.2021, Auflage: 1/2021
4,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 4064066557409
Sprache: Russisch
Umfang: 0 S., 234.02 MB
Format: MP3 (in ZIP-Archiv)
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


Gerbert Uells anglijskij pisatel', otkryvshij zhanr nauchnoj fantastiki v mirovoj literature XX veka. "Strana slepyh" prekrasno napisannaya povest'-pritcha o edinomyslii i neponimanii, o problemah lichnosti "ne takoj, kak vse". CHto sluchitsya s chelovekom, obladayushchim nekim osobym chuvstvom, v sushchestvovanii kotorogo somnevayutsya okruzhayushchie? somnevayutsya, no pri etom ochen' boyatsya togo, chto takoe chuvstvo dejstvitel'no imeetsya v prirode i darit preimushchestva svoemu vladel'cu... V sbornik voshli rasskazy: 1. The Country of the Blind 01:08 2. A Catastrophe 00:23 3. The Treasure in the Forest 00:21 4. The New Accelerator 00:37 5. Strana slepyh 01:17 6. Katastrofa 00:30 7. Lesnye sokrovishcha 00:25 8. Novyj uskoritel' 00:46


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